WBG (World Business Groups)- Global Platform for Business
Advisory & Associate Board
WBG World Business Groups is the global platform for business,B2B services.
With the WBG Advisory Board
WBG (World Business Groups) Advisory Board is constituted consisting a select group of “independent” people with honorable services and without any legal binding, WBG’s expert business consultants provide advice and support to the Executive and administrative Committee and other Committees including the owners, shareholders and Board of Directors etc. They provide non-binding strategic advice, suggestion and assistance to WBG in the areas of management improvement and personnel, technical assistance, marketing and pricing strategy and Advisory Board members are either associate members* or invited guests.
WBG (World Business Groups) – Who we are?
WBG is a global platform for business,B2B services, global business networks and international business consultancy that was established to meet the needs of international businesses in need of assistance in such fields such as promote business from regional to global, business strategy, markets, management strategy and staff training (the “services”).
We offer several different membership services through an online portal(WBG) as well as offline. Alternatively, we can provide customized services to any members according to their needs.
We are continuously inviting business experts and communities from different domain expertise to join WBG to support world business fraternities.
- Make different groups for Advisory
- Make Business training & education groups or forum.
- Create experts groups who have business, marketing and industry understanding.
- Advice to apex level of management like board member , owners ,directors , associate members.
- Introducing latest and innovative business trends and ideas to apex management.
- Advisory member consider important member of groups.
- Prepare and develop the strategy for WBG or WBF to reach and achieve vision 2025.
Serving as a guiding hand for the company
Provide independent advice to the board of executives
Provide advice to shareholders and Board of Directors
An independent source to counsel the executives and other Committees on a range of strategic issues or risks confronting the company.
Provide advice to shareholders and Board of Directors on strategic issues or risks confronting the business.
wbg Advisor
wbg associate
Note: Advisory/Associate Member* could be WBG official or unofficial member, Board member , advisor, associate, partner, client, invited guest , government representative , minister , ambassador , country representatives ,friends , colleagues ,know references , associate references etc and above all data fetch from NG(Nawazinda Groups database) & CEO of NG database.
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